After yoga on 19/12, I went to IKEA myself and spent three hours there for eating at its café and picking candles.
I order meatballs with spaghetti and a plate of French fries. I love IKEA providing yummy food in low price and what I ordered was only USD2.5 . Is HK IKEA cheaper than USA IKEA?

After the afternoon tea, I started my journey from the entrance to the cashier. I picked around USD14 for candles and USD7 for a bottle of white wine which I plan to drink tomorrow night that a celebration would be held (only five people). Belows are what I bought:

Three hours in IKEA made me tired and then I went home directly although I had thought to visit more shops for buying X’mas gifts for my family. Till now, I have bought nothing for them =00=
Hey Hey Hey, Santa Claus is coming the town!
What would you do on those days?
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